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"Your home. Our Priority"

As a family-owned and operated home care agency, Cappy's Home Care is committed to providing the highest level of care for your loved ones. We understand that choosing a caregiver for a family member can be overwhelming, which is why we offer personalized services designed to meet the unique needs of your loved one. Our team of experienced caregivers is dedicated to treating your family member with the utmost respect and care. We believe in fostering a vibrant and therapeutic environment to ensure our clients feel happy and secure in their own home.


In 2020 it was announced that we were headed into a Covid-19 pandemic that could affect the healthcare industry for a long time. The owners of Cappy’s Home Care were some of the first to respond to an outbreak in a local assisted living facility. This facility made the news due to the entire population testing positive with the virus. Throughout the duration of their time in this local assisted living facility, the owners witnessed the harsh reality of the disease that was sweeping the entire globe. The owners held the hands of those who were succumbing to the disease, holding iPads and tablets for the families to communicate to their loved ones through, and assisting them to the window to lay eyes on their loved ones through the glass. For some of those family members that would be the last time they were physically able to see their loved ones. The owners were put in a local hotel away from their own families to prevent the spread of the outbreak. The amount of emotional and mental turmoil the owners witnessed and endured during that time brought on the idea of Cappy’s. When the world started going back to its pre-Covid ways the Owners of Cappy’s Home Care decided to open up. Two people that worked through one of the worst outbreaks in years decided that in the event of another severe outbreak they could help keep the community safe, in their homes, with access to their families, and adequate care.

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